
25.05.2012 : I've added a new section for poems and songs.  I won't post the actual songs, but rather their lyrics and, for non-English songs, their translations.  Requests for lyric translations will be entertained. - paris

20.04.2011 : I've uploaded a bunch of new stories over the past few weeks and am looking for more to include in this blog.  I've also posted some highlights on the discussions in the comments section of Wedding Dance. I hope this helps everyone who visits the site for that story.  - paris

25.03.2011 : Now that I have more free time, I hope to add more stories here. I will rearrange this so it will be more of a showcase of the classics. I'll park my own work elsewhere, I suppose. =) - paris

13.08.2010 : I encourage the readers to send their own stories of love for posting on this site. =D - paris

12.02.2010 : There have been a lot of spam comments lately and I was forced to activate the word verification step for posting comments. I do hope nobody minds. I've also deleted comments which I think were posted by bots, but I'm not sure how thorough I was. Do send me a note if you find spam on the site. Thank you very much. - paris